Wood Addicts' Guide Book
Dedicated to the Love of Wood &
Home Rennovation Perfection!
This information is the accumulation of what
we have learned after 30 years of running a wood shop in Northern
Ontario. We are sharing with you, the knowledge to build beautiful
furniture and decorate your home with fine woods on the floors,
wood trim at the floor or around the ceiling, or in building
a deck out the back. .... basically anything to do with playing
with wood and home rennovation.
Hardwood Flooring:
all the things you want to know to buy a hardwood floor, install
it and keep it looking like new.
Hardwood Stairs:
how to recover an existing set of steps and make them look
new again all for the price of good barbeque.
Decking: this information I researched after a client
had a very expensive western red cedar boat house rot out
from the bottom up and wanted to know why, and what he should
do moving forward. IPE
wood seemed to be the solution
Wood Mouldings, or for our American cousins
"wood moldings" .. this section is in production
Wood Railings:
safety is everything, do it right the first time and prevent
accidents and get your insurance company off your back.
Tools: for information on all the tools of the trade.
We'll add content as we get request.. let us know what you
would like to see.
If you are missing our old site and wish to
purchase product please visit us at LacasseFineWoodProducts.com
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