Hardwood Stairs
Hardwood Stairs are our specialty. With a huge investment, for the small company that we are, we can make wood steps in not only the easy woods like red oak, but also the hard to find and hard to work with ones like: Tigerwood, Brazilian Cherry and the absolutely worst to plane, African Mahogany. All the woods and all the funny shapes that the big guys won't touch!
We make them
... in the size you need up to 8' long,
... in the shape you need,
... and in the wood you desire!
visit our company site to find out what information you need
to place an order or just give us a call with questions regarding
our manufacturing capabilities. We'd love to ship you some
steps knowing you'll be happy with what you receive.
We're small, we care and we're meticulous!
We've shipped individual orders of custom steps to British Columbia, Nova Scotia, California, Florida and lots of places in between!
The manufacturing of hardwood stairs is our specialty at Lacasse Fine Wood Products (our sister company) so please visit: LacasseFineWoodProducts.com
Hours: 8am - 5pm M T W & Friday
- 7pm Thursday
Phone/Fax: 705-522-5728
Toll Free: 1-877-202-7024
Address: 1100 Old Wanup Rd. Sudbury,Ontario